Device, method, and graphical user interface for manipulating soft keyboards

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8754860
APP PUB NO 20120117505A1





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A method includes, at an electronic device with a display and a touch-sensitive surface: concurrently displaying a first text entry area and an unsplit keyboard on the display; detecting a gesture on the touch-sensitive surface; and, in response to detecting the gesture on the touch-sensitive surface, replacing the unsplit keyboard with an integrated input area. The integrated input area includes a left portion with a left side of a split keyboard, a right portion with a right side of the split keyboard, and a center portion in between the left portion and the right portion.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cieplinski, Avi E San Francisco, US 79 6983
Koch, Jonathan Saratoga, US 19 1228
Missig, Julian Redwood City, US 106 6156
Victor, B Michael Castro Valley, US 55 5918

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